Technology under control

Kids and parents  adapting their communication to the new technologies

Kids and parents adapting their communication into the new technologies

Parents and teenagers in Kamloops are arguing that technology does not necessarily have to break the communication at home. Despite of all the challenges that technology brings, they have found a way to control its negative effects.

Dijana,  a mother of a five years old teenager, have found  diverse manners make her daughter less immerse in  the electronic devices.

“One of the things do at home is to put limits. Thankfully my children is not so addicted to Facebook, and I think that it happens because she has learn how to respect the rules at home”

She restricts the hours of technology  not allowing cellphones at dinner time and setting a plan with limited text message on her daughter’s phone.

“Another method I use is to make my kids being involved in sports. I personally like to send my daughter to a summer camp because there is when she can see other kids playing  games , and it will not make her  lose time on technology”.

Cris Rowan, mother and fellow of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, also suggests parents to enjoy outdoor activities with their children.

“when the kids are rangy and adults want some peace, take a deep breath and say -Not now, I want to play with you-” wrote the Therapist  for the article “Risk vs. Benefit – Technology use by young children”.

The youth’s view

Ilka Paola Jacobs and Andrea Lozano, two international TRU students,  think that technology does not necessarily has to be portrayed as the enemy of the house.  Lozano think that teenagers can also interact with their parents using technology.

“If I were a mother I would interact with my children using text message. In my case I use Skype to talk with my mother because I am in another country, and I have realized that technology is very useful for long distance communication”.

Jacobs also highlights that for some Canadian families is rude to use the cellphone at dinner time, making emphasis in  the face to face interaction.

*Visit this link if you want to hear part of the interview with Ilka Paola Jacobs and Andrea Lozano: